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Where industry and fans discover new comedy

Comedy on demand. Made by the Crowd.

Latest Comedy Projects

Arnold Interviews Moon

Sharon Heywood

Arnold interviews Moon is a totally unscripted mockumentory. In a typical studio...

Collaboration Needed

Mockumentary 2 Fans

What The Scientists Don't Want You To Know...

Katie Pritchard

This is undoubtedly the scariest film you'll see all year... 'The Blair Witch Pr...

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 1 Fans

Tarka Wolf "Save the Scooters"


Possibly moved the character to a different place

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 2 Fans

Thanks Celebrities


It was lockdown batton passed from Australia which included a team from the UK,...

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 1 Fans

Work From Hole

Matt Zeqiri

We've all had to get a bit creative with our home workspaces recently. Here's my...

Sketchy 3 Fans


Jay Droch

ON THE SCENE is a parody news show, covering current and topical headlines and t...

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 3 Fans

Goal £1,000

Let's Get Macho

David Ellis

'Let's Get Macho' is a comedy series written by David Ellis, Alex Gibbons and Ga...

Sitcom 2 Fans

Covid School Sketch: Reopening

Lisa Ronaghan

The only safe place to be during coronavirus... School.

Sketchy 1 Fans




Comedy Projects

Comedy on demand. Made by the Crowd.