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Flogging a Dead Parrot feat John Cleese (ish)

What's it all about

It's 50 years since the world's greatest comedy group first pitched their sketch show. This recently rediscovered audio tape contains shocking audio from their first meeting with commissioners..in a world where sexism in comedy is flipped.

Comedy writers Lorelei Mathias with Emmy McMarrow have imagined how the prospect of a six-man comedy show might have been received had the sexism that still affects the industry been reversed. Mathais said they based on experiences they had with production companies and agents, saying: 'We're happy to be rejected for our writing being bad, or our ideas being shit - but not because of our gender. 'Then I read the Chortle article about representation being around 11 per cent - which is frankly a bit of a circus in 2020 - and after that the sketch wrote itself.' The sketch was premiered at a Comedy 5050 event last week – the initiative set up to address the off-screen gender imbalance in TV comedy writing.

First in a series of sketches called 'Smash the Matriarchy' where we take down gender bias in all other areas of life.


2020 Showcase - How To


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The writers star with Jonathan Hansler as John Cleese,plus Robin Bailes, Steve Kent, Nick Ewans and Alan Devey.

written by Lorelei Mathias with Emmy McMorrow
directed & edited by lorelei mathias with support from Prodigious London

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