We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

The Ultimate Self-Help Video

What's it all about

This is one of what we hope will be a series of self-help videos. It is hoped to produce similar for a variety of issues such as H&S in sport, in the home, equal opportunities - all absurd of course.


2020 Showcase - How To


1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £20,000
There are no donations
Currently just the two of us, one actor, one writer

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

Funding would provide paid acting, editing, production and social media roles. However, open to those with more experience to advise.
Funding would provide paid acting, editing, production and social media roles. However, open to those with more experience to advise.

Core Of Monkos

Hi Victoria, Belal Ladkani here. I'm an editor with 15+ years experience wondering if you're still looking to collaborate with an editor on future projects. I'm free from the 15th & can offer reasonable rates. B