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How to Instagram your life #onabudget

What's it all about

This project is about a character I created called Kadee C. She is a failed wannabe Instagram beauty queen desperate for likes. Her mantra is ‘How to Instagram your life #onabudget, an idiots guide to getting more likes and fame on social media. The video is a promo vid for Kadee c ‘s ‘Instagram Seminars’. Here we see her coaching others on how to get to the top by lying and cutting corners. In the seminar she is a car crash waiting to happen and her unhealthy obsession with Instagram is tragic yet hilarious. Kadee C allows me to shine a bright light on the sad reality of our modern day obsession with social media. Shas inspired me to share my honest perspective whist ripping the piss out of it. Kadee C and her tragic journey to the top as an Instagram Guru is currently in development for 6 part TV series.


2020 Showcase - How To


1 Video

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