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Working From Home

What's it all about

Working From Home’ explores the lives of people under lockdown during the Coronavirus pandemic. The show plays out in the homes of the three main characters, and all takes place on the current technologies that are dominating our lives: Zoom, FaceTime, video diaries and YouTube videos. The three of them work for a new app start-up called Weed, that connects people with their nearest gardeners. They have now found themselves utterly useless and at sea, given that people are self-isolating and avoiding all contact with strangers, so are doing everything they can to try to save the company.




1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £2,000
There are no donations
Writers: Jacob Lovick, Donovan Mike, Jack Toop

Actors: Joe Belham, Rhiannon Atkins, Jacob Lovick, Donovan Mike, Jack Toop

Video editing: Joe Belham & Jacob Lovick

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We are looking for :

We would love any help with getting the show out there a bit more! We make the show totally in house but need as much help with spreading the word as we can get. Not only does marketing/advertising cost money but we also need help from those that have the know-how to do it correctly.
We would love any help with getting the show out there a bit more! We make the show totally in house but need as much help with spreading the word as we can get. Not only does marketing/advertising cost money but we also need help from those that have the know-how to do it correctly.