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Wildcat Tips

What's it all about

Wildcat Tips is a sketch that spoofs nature and survival programmes. Presenter and 'expert', Tom 'Wildman' Willigness gives you his unorthodox tips on how to avoid being attacked. I have ideas to expand this to a sketch series. I have two more sketches written about how to survive in all green jungles. He goes on to tell us that his favourite thing to eat in a jungle is dinner and after shelter, warmth, safety, water and your gear, food is the most important thing. It's great fun to write and film and hope to do a whole series of them.


2020 Showcase - How To


1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £1,000
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This sketch was written by me and I played the main character. I drafted in various family members and friends to play the other parts. The sketch was filmed and edited by Diarmuid O'Brien.

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