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The Corona Diaries

What's it all about

I made this myself while I was stuck at home during 14 days of self-isolation.

I shot an installment on a daily basis to maintain my sanity and to amuse my friends. It worked really well as 14 stand-alone sketches - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5hxQcBY0sM&list=PL-AoBiCqHXAKGGF2ayk1t6J2jh7f2Qoez - and also as a whole film.

I would love the reshoot it with an even better camera, sound, and some lighting but I don't have the finances for that at present so I just worked with what I had to hand.

I would love to develop it into a one-man stage show when all this is over too.




1 Video

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There are no donations
I wrote and performed, and edited this myself.

My friend Joel Middleton did the music,

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

I would love to get this marketed so it could be seen. It amused a lot of people while they were locked down and the daily installments garnered a really good response on Facebook.
I would love to get this marketed so it could be seen. It amused a lot of people while they were locked down and the daily installments garnered a really good response on Facebook.