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Naked Pictures

What's it all about

'Naked Pictures' is one in a series of songs I have written aroud the theme of failed relationships. When I wrote this song I was lucky enough to be living in a house in London with some good friends of mine, who also happened to be professoinal film crew! On pretty much no budget, other than a huge amount of KFC to keep everyone going, we were able to film 'Naked Pictures' in one day, and bring it to life.

I'm currently writing a musical comedy TV pilot, for which I have many songs ready to go (Naked Pictures being one of them). I hope to pitch this at some point and would best describe (I hope) the genre as; Fleabag meets Crazy Ex-Girlfriend meets Victoria Wood.


2020 Showcase - Music


1 Video

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Written and performed by - Rhiannon Hopkins
Director - Michael Coburn
DOP - Jaryl Lim
Focus Puller - Brendan Harvey
Editor - Greg S-C

Actors - Steve Hodgetts, Anastasia Berezovsky, Paula Yip, Jane Ogilvie

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We are looking for :

I'm always looking to collaborate on future things. I mostly write by myself, especially songs, but this can really take it's toll and inspiration I find mostly comes from bouncing ideas off people.
I'm always looking to collaborate on future things. I mostly write by myself, especially songs, but this can really take it's toll and inspiration I find mostly comes from bouncing ideas off people.