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Nanny Crook explains Nooks & Crannies

What's it all about

Nooks & Crannies with Nanny Crook An original comedy concept by Frances Keyton Nanny Crook is an original character inspired by my natural affinity with eccentric elderly ladies. Although I am playing her in the sketch, it would be equally desirable to have an actual older lady playing Nanny. Nooks and Crannies are everywhere, and yet they largely overlooked. There are so many names for cavities that we barely even notice, (alcove, crevice, niche, hollow, inglenook...I could go on.) These spaces deserve their platform, and Nanny Crook is the lady to do so. The concept would work well as a series of short sketches, where Nanny visits famous landmarks and interviews employees about the strange supernatural activity in the building’s nooks. There is also the possibility of introducing a rival expert at one point (Mr. Al Cove), resulting in a rap battle about nooks and crannies. Nanny Crook could appear on panel shows, and possibly have her own podcast/chat-show where she asks guests about their most memorable nooks.


2020 Showcase - How To


1 Video

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Writer & Actor - Frances Keyton
Director - Luke Ireland

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