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Zipwaz Humphries

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What's it all about

Take a conventional sitcom, fold it into the shape of an origami swan and flick it into the face of your local stripper; That’s 'Zipwaz Humphries'.

A surreal sitcom about a kindly idiot and his atheist extremist housemate.

In a world of cockney eagles, cheese-dealers and etherial swingball, lives Zipwaz Humphries. The series follows Zipwaz's attempts to live a pleasant life - a goal generally obstructed by his housemate's acts of anarchy or by his own stupidity. With parody songs, unconvincing visual effects and, yes, sometimes jokes, this really is a comedy show worth watching, subscribing to, and complimenting aggressively.

Then again, it is a bit weird, so probably not for everyone...


Mind Warp


1 Video
Sat 24 November 10:19am
Filmmaking tip: If your cameraman has a distracting face, force him to wear a disguise throughout the shoot.
There are no donations
Writer/Director - Victor Hampson
Series 2 Cinematographer - Joshua Grayson

Zipwaz Humphries - Victor Hampson
David Michaels - Jack Blaken
Brian the Fireman - Will Kurtze

The crew of Zipwaz Series 2 emerging from the cave they live in

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No collaboration required at the moment