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"Hewn" - by The Animation School | TheCGBros

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Watch this award-winning 3D animated short called "Hewn" as a wooden father struggles to support his metal child who consumes wood to survive. As the boy grows older so does his rate of consumption. The day comes when he brings their home to the ground, they have nothing left.




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Watch this award-winning 3D animated short called "Hewn" as a wooden father struggles to support his metal child who consumes wood to survive. As the boy grows older so does his rate of consumption. The day comes when he brings their home to the ground, they have nothing left.

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We are looking for :

Collaboration Details - State if you are looking to collaborate with other creators with particular skills such as writers, performers, filmmakers, editors

Watch this award-winning 3D animated short called "Hewn" as a wooden father struggles to support his metal child who consumes wood to survive. As the boy grows older so does his rate of consumption. The day comes when he brings their home to the ground, they have nothing left.
Collaboration Details - State if you are looking to collaborate with other creators with particular skills such as writers, performers, filmmakers, editors

Watch this award-winning 3D animated short called "Hewn" as a wooden father struggles to support his metal child who consumes wood to survive. As the boy grows older so does his rate of consumption. The day comes when he brings their home to the ground, they have nothing left.