We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

Right up your Ali

What's it all about

My initial video is a wee taster of the type of sketches I enjoy creating. I am continuing to write and produce sketches (many of them mere outlines as I love working with improvisation) and am putting together a film crew so that I can begin to make them look a bit sexier...however I am going to start uploading some of my more 'raw' sketches. The plan is to then get them in a format for a sketch show called 'Right up your Ali' and get them in front of the powers that be and change people's lives...




1 Video

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I am interested in working with camera operators and editors who have a passion for comedy and are Manchester based and are fans of comedy.
I am interested in working with camera operators and editors who have a passion for comedy and are Manchester based and are fans of comedy.