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Brad Holcombe Sketch

What's it all about

These are sketches. That I wrote. And filmed. Myself.

My plan is to make a variety of sketches.

Still reading? If so, great!

I don't have a development plan just yet. What I aim to do is produce a series of sketches, and basically see what you guys think.

If you show me no love, I'll run away and cry in a corner, possibly becoming a serial killer or a receptionist. If you do show me love, then I'll know I'm on the right path and continue to create these masterpieces.

In all seriousness, sketch is a vital part of comedy. Even though the mainstream channels have pretty much given up on it, I believe there is a need for sketch. I am the way, I am the light.. I'm not really, don't change religions just yet, I might be rubbish.




1 Video
Wed 03 February 01:52pm
Find out what Cummings has been up to this week!
Thu 28 January 01:15pm
What's Dominic Cummings been up to recently? He's here to let you know
Tue 23 June 03:28pm

A Westminster PANdemic - Brad Holcombe

After Boris drops a big one, the sewage system of Westminster struggles to cope under the strain. What will the powers that be do in this ‘unprecedented’ situation?? Will they avert disaster, or just make it worse?

Co-written with Trevor Rudge

Mon 18 May 09:04am
How To Get A shiny Bath - Influencer - Sketch
Online influencer shows you how to get a shiny bath, but things don't quite add up...
Thu 27 February 05:21pm

Do Spiders Poo?

Slightly strange Welsh YouTuber, Ivor, tries to figure out if spiders poo. Is he successful? There's only one way to find out!

Matt Harris

Matt Harris

Bug out Brad!

Thu 05 December 09:50am
Brad Holcombe Sketch - This is the tale of Little Miss Woke, and the story of her new found wokeness - It's also got a wizard and a dog
Thu 05 December 09:31am
Brad Holcombe Sketch - Nigel is rich and wants you to know he is better than you
Matt Harris

Matt Harris

The wide eyes at the end... Fun stuff Brad. Is there a sequel coming where something suitably horrible happens to Nigel's trumpet?

There are no donations
Writer, performer - Brad Holcombe (yay)

My wife doesn't have a face - Editor, and sometimes acts with me - Chelsea Holcombe

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

I write and perform my own sketches - quite poorly - but I am always open to collaboration.

If there are writers looking for someone to partner up with and bounce off, I'm open to that.

Also, when it comes to making videos, it's usually me with my phone and words, and my wife with her editing skills, and although she is super awesome at editing (she didn't force me to say that, honest) if there were someone skilled at filming, editing etc, looking for a project, then I would love to collaborate.
I write and perform my own sketches - quite poorly - but I am always open to collaboration.

If there are writers looking for someone to partner up with and bounce off, I'm open to that.

Also, when it comes to making videos, it's usually me with my phone and words, and my wife with her editing skills, and although she is super awesome at editing (she didn't force me to say that, honest) if there were someone skilled at filming, editing etc, looking for a project, then I would love to collaborate.