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What's it all about

Duncan is a high school drop out, having seen the fame possible on social media, he saught after to follow them. After realising he wasn't going to make it, and without a qualification to his name, he had no choice but to find a job.
Unfortunate for him, the only place that would give him an interview and a chance is at an office where everyone has settled and awaiting retirement. They had long waited to hire a young dogsbody to do the bulk of the work. Following Duncan at his first week at 'the office', he meets a varied number of characters, from those who are more interested in bingo than the job to those who only really want to get into his bed.

'Duncan' was originally scripted to be a web series, however with last minute complications, the decision was taken to turn it into a low budget short film. The feel and tone of the short is still very much that of a episodic series.
I have been approached by someone who is willing to working with me to turn 'Duncan' back into a web series with new locations and cast. I have already cast the lead character and have a varied number of actors wishing to portray the various supporting cast, including some who wish to return to their original roles in the short. By raising the required funds for feeding the cast & crew, investment in equipment and post production, this will allow me to make 'Duncan' into what it was originally meant to be, a funny satire comedy about a boy trying to earn a living with no idea of what to do.




1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £5,000
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That moment when the photographer farts...and he presses the button!

Script to Screen was completed by myself, Sammy Simmans.
Script Editors - Livio Mendes; Zaki Metta

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

As a 'one man band', I am always looking to collaborate with new talent. I do have a great team of people working with me now, however there's always room for more!
As a 'one man band', I am always looking to collaborate with new talent. I do have a great team of people working with me now, however there's always room for more!