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Good Greek Girl

What's it all about

A good Greek girl who did everything she was supposed to in her life, has a poetic alter-ego starting to make some noise in her mind.

This two minute version of a longer short film 'Love according to wogs*' (2014) is being used as a proof-of-concept for the TV show 'Good Greek Girl'

*Please note the word 'wog' in Australia means something different to UK and American definitions, and is an accepted word due to stereotyped art using the word which was popularised in the 90s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wog

Initially this project was developed as a 6 x 30 minute dramedy for television, however, with the emergence of the web series format in the last few years, another format was developed of 6 x 10 minute web episodes. The development took place under an option by producer Cristina Pozzan which has since lapsed.

Episode one in both of these formats has been developed and is ready to be produced as a pilot episode. It is envisaged that the best format is web.



Mind Warp


1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £30,000
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Koraly Dimitriadis - producer/writer/director/actor
Nathan Little - director
Amy Bodossian - actor/additional writer

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