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E-Motion Graphic - Up Next On BBC 4

What's it all about

e-motion graphic brings grotesque characters to life via the medium of grotesque animation. This is ugly comedy for ugly minds. The first episode (as linked above) satirises a BBC FOUR interview with a concert pianist with a 'magical' power.

We are initially going to record a handful of audio sketches & pick the best ones for animating. We don't have a series plan per se', we are simply just going to keep trying to create funny, character based, motion graphic sketches, with no real series arc/narrative in mind.

Coming soon we have:

Bad Stag Do Ideas
The Twins
The £50 men
Beach Combing

Each of these will be roughly around the same duration of 2-3 minutes.


Super Heroes


1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £500
There are no donations
This particular project was a dual effort between myself & my wife, with a little guidance from the Producer at my work.

Written, Directed & Performed by Hayley & Tom Griffiths-Hall
Animated & Cut by myself Tom Griffiths-Hall

We usually work as part of a comedy collective called HANDSANDMOUTH, & the first 3 epsiodes of our live action project 'Ghosts And Ghouls" is available to view here: https://punkanary.com/campaign/75/ghosts-and-ghouls

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We're always looking for animators, & anybody else who fancys doing a funny we can put to pictures. I think the key to getting to more of these out is collaboration, so if anybody wants to help in any capacity then please get in touch.
We're always looking for animators, & anybody else who fancys doing a funny we can put to pictures. I think the key to getting to more of these out is collaboration, so if anybody wants to help in any capacity then please get in touch.