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How 2 Save The World

What's it all about

How 2 Save The World...in 10 minutes - WEB SERIES

The IPCC has given a deadline of 2030 for climate catastrophe and yet the impending apocolypse seems to have blithely passed other politicians aside. We are looking at the potential extinction of our species but the population seems terrible distractd...oh look, 'I'm a celebrity Get me out of Here!' is on the Telly!

We can do better. We can all make a difference.
This show is in pre-production for a web series of 10 x 1 min episodes.

How 2 Save The World...in 50 minutes - STAND-UP STAGE SHOW

The final version of the show is a fetival stand up set in Summer 2019, at Prague and Edinburgh festivals, and will then be toured around the UK in Autumn 2019.

How 2 Save The World...in 90 minutes (or less) - DOCUMENTARY FEATURE

This is a documentary film of the stage show intercut with interviews from the world's leading climate scientists showng the evidence for climate change and he political interests why the information is not reaching the public.

Meta Tags

#H2STW, #Environment, #Politics, #Plastic, #CarbonCapture, #ExtinctionRebellion




1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £1,000
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Dawn Furness is a politician and environmental and human rights activist. She has also stood for Parliament for the Green Party of England and Wales in General elections in 2015 and 2017 and probably again in 2019 once Moggie and the Tories get theirs knives into Theresa May....hey ho!

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Not looking for collaborators as such but looking for people to spread the word.
Not looking for collaborators as such but looking for people to spread the word.