We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

Yorkshire Ghost Busters

What's it all about

So we have already filmed two pilot episodes of the show and are looking to create more! We have not much budget as all the props and costumes are very DIY and home made.

We want to create the first web series on youtube this next few months which will help us out with exposure so much! It is all improvised so we don't know what the content will be just the idea of the episode. Its filmed to look bad also so please take that into account when watching!


Funding would help us to select different locations and rent better equipment for our projects.
Lenses and camera equipment would cost around £699 with the ones we want!
To rent our buildings and places would cost us around £70 a day which over a week of filming would add up!




1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £1,000
There are no donations
There is a two person team behind this Russell Stubley the creator and Maria Stubley the camera operator and film editor.

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

I would preferably like to keep the idea myself but it would be awesome to see what others think of it and would bring to the concept! I originally thought of the idea when I was 16 and it took 2 years for us to finally film the first episode.
I would preferably like to keep the idea myself but it would be awesome to see what others think of it and would bring to the concept! I originally thought of the idea when I was 16 and it took 2 years for us to finally film the first episode.