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What's it all about

In this video, Albert Square - A Rebel without Applause – uses his own unique brand of post-ironic, off-beat humour to highlight the vital role that the multi-national pharmaceutical companies are playing in the welfare and wellbeing of today’s society.

Ultimately Albert would like to create a magazine style programme tentatively entitled ‘THE COSMIC JOKE’ (similar to the One Show except on mushrooms and steroids)

This fast, zany TV style magazine show would cover a different topic each episode; Each show would have a compere, a mock sponsor -Suckers Pills for instance- and feature sketches, guest artists, spoof interviews, commercials etc. etc. all pertaining to that particular subject.

The first show would be about suicide and Albert invites other like-minded weirdos on Punkanary to contribute ideas, sketches,spoofs etc on or around this subject in order to create a complete show.
Albert has further sketches written on this subject but they are not yet made into videos.


Mind Warp


1 Video

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At the moment, it is just himself and his wife Anna. Mostly, he likes to write and create the sketches, songs etc. But in order to get them out there they have had to perform in them, doing the filming, sound recording and editing etc. etc. themselves.

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

Albert would love to work with camera operators, sound recordists, lighting technicians, actors in order to create comedy.

Also, he is always looking for other members of Punkanary to contribute sketches, jokes, comic songs, spoof ads etc on a particular given themes to thus create complete shows.

Obesity, suicide, the environment and drugs abuse, are all serious, burning issues that are suitable for comic scrutiny and post-ironic observation and there are lots, lots more.
Albert would love to work with camera operators, sound recordists, lighting technicians, actors in order to create comedy.

Also, he is always looking for other members of Punkanary to contribute sketches, jokes, comic songs, spoof ads etc on a particular given themes to thus create complete shows.

Obesity, suicide, the environment and drugs abuse, are all serious, burning issues that are suitable for comic scrutiny and post-ironic observation and there are lots, lots more.