We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

Monkey Wedding

What's it all about

Banuuboo! (that's hello in monkey - of course).

We are comedy sketch group 'Monkey Wedding'. Merry bananas to you all! We have been performing regular sketch nights for the last five years with sell out shows at the Camden Fringe, where we delighted audiences with a diverse selection of amazing sketches. Take our word for it.

We have been filming some of our back catalogue of sketches but are looking for funds and support to get as many of these online as possible. We are also eager to hear about live comedy opportunities and regular evenings we could perform at. Monkey Wedding consists of Mike (the useful one), Bruce (the guitar one), Karen (the prolific writer one), Yasser (the funny one), Joanna (the bossy one) and Neil (the actor one).

Although we would love ALL your money - or all your monkeys - or your money in monkey format (that's £500), we would also be wet with excitement to just get some fans and friends.

If you don't have a spare monkey, then feel free to contact us if you can help with filming, live venues, or free performance space. If you can be of assistance, we will want to hear from your face and chew on it for a bit.

Banuuboo! (also goodbye in monkey).




1 Video
Wed 02 January 05:42am
And this is another filmed sketch - that made the longlist for the 2018 Chorts competition. Hurrah!
Wed 02 January 05:41am
Here are some of our live sketches for your delectation! These are doctor related.
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Funding Progress

Goal £501
There are no donations
Mike Sheldon
Bruce Williams
Karen Morden
Yasser Kayani
Neil Benson
Joanna Tilley

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We would like to collaborate with anyone who looks like any of us.
We would like to collaborate with anyone who looks like any of us.


this is test